About Us.


The PinFather started from a small purchase of a few pins while traveling to NY visiting a friend, then seeing how a small pin worn could catch someone's attention, to wanting to create custom pins for personal style, for things that I could relate to or just for fun. Then it evolved to others wanting to make their own pins and I was happy to venture into that field and I have been enjoying it ever since.  

I wanted to start my own company and I have tried so many other ventures but to me this one was the one that I truly had a passion for and it wasn’t just for me to make money off the clients that I am providing a service, to me it is more than that. I felt that I could make a difference to those around me, also with the amazing technology that we have now, we can reach even further.  

Therefore, I decided to go beyond just making a profit and instead using a portion of the profits to help others. Especially those from my home country Dominican Republic. I migrated from Dominican Republic to the United States in 2003 and this has been the biggest impact in my life. Which is why I decided to do three major goals with The PinFather:  

  1. I want to redefine what a business is. To me, it is not just about selling something to a potential customer or getting a customer to buy your products, it is about building connections, creating communities, growing with your customers, being transparent, also being involved not just with those that buy something but those that are not. I want to stop treating people like a money pit and instead treat them like they are my friend.  

  2. I want to provide affordable manufacturing of enamel pins, patches, screen printing and metal business cards to anyone in the United States. In hope that once we get a good revenue stream, we will manufacture everything in house and give our customers, even more in savings and be the leader is custom apparel and accessories at an affordable price.  

  3. I want to use a portion of that revenue to help the youth in my home country of Dominican Republic to pay for their college tuition. Because I truly believe that education ourselves is not only good for our future but it is good for a brighter future for the generations to come. 

With these three major goals I want to not just transform the way business and manufacturing is done but also help those that could be the next innovators and future leaders. I want to be able to collaborate and truly do great things with those that want to make a positive impact.